I’ll admit that I was prepared to reject the new e-cigars on the market. So many small, but significant, moments go into cigar smoking and I didn’t want to give that up. Handling the wrapped cigar, inspecting the colorful label, lighting up and enjoying the puffs of rich smoke wafting through the air. How could an electronic cigar deliver such satisfaction?
It was my wife’s idea for me to try e-cigars. She’s one of the rare types who never used to mind the smelly cigar smoke that filled the den on NFL Sundays or during the poker games I sometimes host at the house.
But sometime before our son Charlie was born last year, we agreed that cigar smoke and babies don’t mix. Unless I wanted to stand outside in the driveway or the backyard and smoke a cigar (a chilling thought here in upstate New York in winter), I was going to have to quit or find an alternative. Namely, electronic cigars.
I have to say that I lucked out with my first electronic cigar experience. My friend gave me a nice brand to try, one that reminded me of an original from the start. It looked authentic. It had a good feeling between the fingers, too.
But what about the flavor you get with electronic cigars, and inhaling vapor instead of smoke? My first e-cigar actually produced the taste and smell of a cigar. Hard to describe how it compared to an old-school cigar, except to say that I didn’t expect that level of satisfaction from a vapor cigar.
Since then, I’ve tried other e-cigars and can definitely tell the quality brands from the lesser names. The best part is I’m not being left out in the cold with or without a cigar, and the house is smoke-free. It’s definitely one more change around here that’s going to take some getting used to, but it’s all good.