Now that electronic cigarettes are on everyone’s lips, will e-cigars be the next big thing? E-cigars, or electric cigars, are tobacco-free: a small but sophisticated processor creates water vapor instead of smoke. E-cigar vapers enjoy all the sensory pleasure of a cigar but without the negatives of tobacco.
You’re probably thinking the first reason to buy e-cigars and try them is your health. Yes, that’s a good reason, but it’s not the only one. Here are three facts about the joys of vaping e-cigars that you may not have considered:
- Electronic cigars give you an authentic cigar experience. The feel of an electronic cigar in your hand and the way it looks are as satisfying as tobacco cigars. Cuvana E Cigars, for example, have a rich, mahogany-color wrapper with a traditional cigar band. An LED “flame” glows like the ash on a cigar when you puff. Cuvanas also have a signature Cuban cigar flavor that’s rich and flavorful.
- E-cigars will save you money. Real cigar people don’t light up a cigar a second time. If you can’t finish it in one sitting, you’re probably going to toss it. An electric cigar is activated when you want to vape. Instead of watching a tobacco cigar burn away, you can use an electronic cigar for more than 1,500 puffs and still experience the fresh flavor every time.
- You can enjoy e-cigars in more places. Luckily, e-cigars fit in almost anywhere – there is no second-hand smoke, no heavy cigar odor and no messy ashes. Modern electronic cigar technology lets you hang with family and friends and enjoy a puff or two at the same time.
E-cigars are for cigar smokers and for anyone who’s ever wanted to try a cigar but is afraid to ash. In a world of stress and uncertainty, it’s important to give yourself a reason to take a break and relax. How about an e-cigar?