There are a lot of reasons why we love what we do. Everything about E-cigars, from their classy look to their great flavor are enjoyable to us here at CUVANA. However, far and above the most rewarding thing for us is hearing how our products have helped change the life of former smokers.
We’ve had the pleasure of hearing from customers who have used CUVANA E-cigars to curb their tobacco addiction, from customers who have seen their health and well-being dramatically improved after they made the switch to vaping, and even from family members of customers thanking us for helping their loved ones kick the habit and improve their lives.
To all of this, we say thank you. Without your loyal support none of this would have been possible. Likewise, without your own dedication and commitment to making a positive change in your life, none of it would have been possible.
We read a study recently that was published in the journal Tobacco Control which estimated that vaping could save the lives of 6.6 million smokers if just 10% of smokers make he switch each year over the next ten years. The same study said that they would live a combined 86.7 million years longer.
It’s humbling to imagine all the amazing things that these people could do with those extra 86.7 million years of life, and we’re so proud to be able to play a small part in helping make it possible.
So here’s to you, our valued customers, and the role that you have played in helping make this possible as well. We hope to continue providing you with the highest quality E-cigars and helping smokers everywhere for many years to come.